Formerly of Kool & The Gang

Kool & The Gang Top Hits Include:


Ladies Night

Get Down On It

Al Paris is best known as a former member of Kool & The Gang, delivering tight background harmonies and smooth, synchronized dance moves on stages worldwide.  But his experience in the entertainment industry is far more than one-faceted.

The career of this modern-day renaissance man has encompassed not only singing, but songwriting, acting and even becoming an author with his new book, Life Wasn’t Aways Kool.  It’s an inspirational memoir.

Throughout his career, Al has been fortunate to have been exposed to and worked with myriad musical talent.  Many of whom are great Rock & Roll Hall of Famers.  

Of the many highlights during Al’s career, one of his most memorable was playing before, then president, Bill Clinton and leaders of the other largest global economies at the 23rd G8 summit in Denver, Colorado.

Today, Al continues to excite his fans around the world.  And according to them, every performance is, “The best ever!”